About Us

Bali Buddha about us founder and team

In many ways, I consider Bali home. 

Over the course of two decades, what started out as an annual family holiday destination evolved into my parent’s home with their permanent relocation to Tabanan in 2018. While they continue to reside in central Bali, I’m based here in the UK and have always looked for ways to integrate the culture and community of Asia into my way of living. 

Passionate about combining the finest local materials with beautiful, handcrafted designs, I have spent years carefully curating my Liverpool home with a unique collection of Asian interiors and high-quality furnishings that bring the unrivalled warmth and depth of character often lacking in Western aesthetics. 

Inspired by authentic living at its finest, Bali Buddha was founded to source exclusive and meaningful homeware pieces that everyone can enjoy. 

Let’s bring the natural character of Asia into your home.


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